Monday, May 17, 2010

The Enigma Of The Emo

Oh how the emo is hated, and loved. Actually when one thinks about it the love of the emo may have produced the hate of the emo. I can see guys not willing to put makeup on getting reasonably angry that the chicks are all swooning for the guyliner painted pasty guy. I can also see people thinking the way emos dress as stupid and ridiculous, but I still don't get why people would be so upset. I have heard people say, "God I hate emos and I want them to die" And I don't get it.

Interesting fact people only really hate the emo guys and usually have a reasonable reaction towards emo girls. The reasonable reaction being not to hate but more like "well that girl's hair is weird". I think this may have something to do with the underlying subconscious unacceptance of homosexual men. Some emo looking guys are gay but not all of them. Also While a lot of people are beginning to accept homosexuality a man kissing a man in public is still looked down upon more than two girls kissing in public.

whats more interesting is this has to do with music.

The music genre Emo seems to me to just be alternative. Although I know alternative is a blanket term for a lot of undefinable rock, I still feel like when I'm listening to Emo I'm listening to alternative. Fallout Boy, Panic at the disco, and The Used are bands I feel like fit well into this category. The pop punk energy and melody with occasional screaming. I feel like any of those bands could go on a tour with Linkin Park or Seether and not be out of place.

There is also screamo, which just seems to be exactly like Emo except with a more hardcore punk influnced sound as opposed to a pop punk influence. These bands tend to have lots of screamed or growled vocals. There are also bands in between these two genres.

What I don't get is the hate.

I had a friend tell me that he hates Nirvana because without them there wouldn't be tons of crappy emo/screamo bands.

I was flabbergasted as his stupidity. Don't get me wrong I think it's OK to hate Nirvana, I happen to like them but I respect that music is a matter of opinion.

What he is stupid for is hating them because they ushered in alternative rock. I mean if you are going to hate Nirvana for bringing about The Used you should hate Nirvana's influences: Black Flag, and Black Sabbath among others.

So I get it if someone thinks that emo hair is stupid, and I get it if someone thinks emo music isn't their cup of tea, but what I don't get is the hate.